Life Coach Advising

Welcome! This is Jerome Hoffman; Marriage & Family Therapist, Life Coach, Investor and now Author as “The 8 Financial Personalities” becomes available in online stores and by request at your neighborhood bookstores in the next few days. To learn more about the book please go to as the website should go live as soon as the book is available for purchase.

This endeavor has been in the works for well over a year now. I did not want to give up on it even though there were many challenges along the way, as I believe it will provide a value-ad opportunity for most people. From the person who experiences anxiety and fear around financial topics to the individual who wants to understand others better in their business dealings, “The 8 Financial Personalities” will help to increase understanding, empathy and effectiveness when it comes to financial matters.

Additionally, those who are in relationships or are considering dating seriously will likely find additional benefits. The material in this book will help you to see your own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your dating partner and help each of you to find a better balance within yourself and in your relationship. This would be a great resource for couples therapy and premarital counseling as well.

If you would like to explore new ways of seeing money and the financial world, step toward financial health and take “The 8 Financial Personalities” for a spin.

If you are here seeking life coach services, there are a couple of lines at the top right of this page. Click on those and it will take you to a description of the services I offer. And if you have come here through referral, just click on the set of eyes on the bottom right of the page. That will take you to a spot to enter a little info and then go to my schedule and find a time that is convenient for you and sign up. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you and have a positive impact on your life going forward.



